I help Christian moms know what to feed their families, so that they can get organized, add nutritional variety, and raise a generation of kids who have healthy relationships with food.

The skills, systems, and strategies to make mealtimes feel simple for your family.

Our family dinners are so much more fun now that we aren’t constantly negotiating how many more bites my boys have to take before they can be excused.
— Katie, mom of three (ages 4, 3, and infant)
My husband couldn’t believe that 3 months later, I was still using the systems Ashley helped me implement in my fridge. We are wasting less food, eating less take-out, and having much healthier meals as a family! Plus, whether I was cooking, or my husband was, we knew what was on the menu, so it took very little mental energy to actually execute.
— Mary, mom of two (ages 7 and 8)
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You've been doing your absolute best to feed your kids a variety of nutritious foods.

But you're exhausted.

What should you cook tonight?

Do your kids have a balanced diet?

What even is a balanced diet?

And how do you know if they are building a healthy relationship with food?

These questions swirl around and around in your brain, multiple times a day, day after day, leaving you overwhelmed.

Then you open up Instagram, screenshot yet another recipe you'll probably never cook (or that your kids would never eat), and you start to question: "Am I doing enough?".

You're growing tired of mealtimes feeling like a hot mess. And you're starting to wonder if all the time, energy, blood, sweat and tears you put into feeding your family is even making a difference. Your child’s endless request for carbs isn’t offering you much reassurance and their inability to eat a vegetable has you doubting what it’s going to take to see some progress.

If you find yourself nodding along to the above, I want to remind you that you're doing the best you can with what you have.

You're not a bad mom for being too exhausted to cook a healthy meal at the end of the day. You simply haven't had the tools to set you up for success.

Books for new moms showed you how to introduce solids, but where was all the training in new parent classes about how to feed your child 5-7 times a day?

Pediatrician appointments swirl with all the most pressing topics of parenting while wrangling a child who is wondering if they are about to have a shot, so you search social for your answers and try to piecemeal together a plan to prevent picky eating.

While preset meal plans and premade meals were fine when in the workplace, now you have a family to feed and that includes so many varying unsolicited opinions about what is being offered.

You have a fridge full of food and a phone full of ideas, examples, and influencers telling us what to do.

And yet, you don’t have the energy to do the mental gymnastics required to make sense of it all.



You don’t need another meal plan, more recipe inspiration, or one more person telling you to meal prep on sundays

If all the Pinterest recipes worked, you wouldn't be struggling to come up with meal ideas.

If all the feeding tips on Instagram worked, you wouldn't be reading this right now.

If all the free advice actually fixed all your problems, you wouldn’t be coming to me.

These things only make you feel even more overwhelmed, frustrated, and unsure of yourself.

Instead of adding more to your plate, there's an easier way to create order in your kitchen.

Developing the right skills, systems and strategies can make feeding feel simple and sustainable—even when you can barely keep your eyes open after a long day or another sleepless night.

If you're ready to feel organized and calm around mealtimes, I'd love to invite you to join me inside my signature course.

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Mealtimes Made Easy Method will equip you with the skills, systems and strategies to make feeding your family feel simple, so you can feel confident that your kids are eating nutritious meals and developing a healthy relationship with food.

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This program far exceeded my expectations. Ashley is so kind, supportive, and non-judgmental; she normalized just about every single thing we brought up, and she encouraged us to make small, manageable changes that would lead to new habits in the future. And she was right! My son has responded so well to everything she has set out for us. While I know there is still a long road ahead, I now truly feel like I have a road map for where I’m going!
— Karson, mom of one (age 4)
I am so pleased with the progress I’ve seen with my 3 & 5 year old in our feeding journey after purchasing Ashley’s course. Now, mealtime is actually pleasant and I don’t have to stress about how much my kids are eating, or if they are getting the proper nutrition. I am just amazed at how Ashley’s approach to food has made my kids more competent eaters. Now, they eat a variety of foods from all the food groups and Ashley has helped me to set up my kids for success for healthy nutrition habits that will last a lifetime!
— Karey, mom of two (ages 3 and 5)
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Here’s your 4-part plan to feel confident in the kitchen!


In this module, you will:

Set your kitchen up for success, so you feel ready to take action and have all the tools you need—without needing to spend a fortune at the store.

Make small tweeks to your kitchen so your kids have healthy snacks within reach and you have easy meal ideas using ingredients you already have on hand.

Identify where the gaps in order, organization, and execution of tasks are happening, so that feeding your family doesn’t feel like one more thing at the end of the day.


In this module, you will:

Address your past, present, and future triggers in your own relationship with food so that you can help foster a healthy relationship with food for your child(ren).

Communicate with your spouse and/or other key caretakers so that you are unified in your approach, rather than in opposition at the table, and are no longer in conflict with partner or child.

Redefine what “healthy” looks like for your family so that you can overcome harmful generational cycles with feeding and rewrite your family’s script around food.


In this module, you will:

Master the dos and don’ts of the dinner table so that your family can sit down, eat, and enjoy one meal together again without worrying about what they do or don’t eat.

Add easy variety to what you are offering so that even haphazard meals have purpose to nourish your child and nudge them to try new foods.

Decide on the structure and routine that serves your family best so that your children aren’t endlessly snacking but rather show up at meals ready to eat.


In this module, you will:

Add simple weekday meal and snack ideas to your arsenal so you always have ideas to pull from without ever scrolling on social or pulling up Pinterest.

Leverage the foods your family already loves into improved and expanded on menu ideas, so you can offer fan favorites without feeling stuck in a rut.

Have ideas in your head and encouragement in your heart to handle a variety of issues that might come up with eating, so you know how experts recommend you respond vs. react


Use Mealtimes Made Easy Method over and over again in each season of your life

Healthy habits don’t happen because all of life’s conditions stay constant and calm.

Rather, the most on top of it moms know that one of the few constants in life tends to be curve balls, especially when raising families.

That’s why, in the Bonus Blueprint, you adapt The Mealtimes Made Easy Method based on the season you are in.

This narrows in your mental energy on the physical habits that serve you best right now (without wishing any season away!). This method also sets you up for success moving forward, so that in whatever is yet to come, you can stay consistent and gain momentum with healthy goals and habits…even while on vacation, recovering from a surgery, or about to have another baby.

That’s right…whether you are in the thick of it and feel like cereal for dinner is about all you can manage or have found a groove in your motherhood journey and feel ready to take on some new aspirations around getting your family’s health and diet in check, this series of five, 10-minute videos will breakdown exactly how to apply each of the four phases from The Mealtimes Made Easy Method for YOU and your unique situation.

Don’t wait until after your child starts sleeping better, or your youngest picks up on their older sibling’s pickiness, or “life calms down” to do something. Life being full and busy is a blessing, but you need to use what time you have with kiddos in the home to your advantage! And that starts here and now.

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Hey mama, I'm Ashley!


I'm a pediatric dietitian who has helped hundreds of moms with their child's eating habits. I'm also a fellow Christian mom who knows how exhausting mealtimes can be—when you don't have the right systems in place.


I know what it's like to have kids who prefer goldfish and gummy snacks more than the kale and quinoa you cook and a husband who is the last person to get excited about a meatless meal.

I know that, amidst each day's hustle, deciding on any menu and actually executing it (especially one that includes anything new) is a big job. I get the frustration of trying so hard and yet the lingering fear of wondering if you’re to blame for your child’s picky eating. I know how unattainable it can all feel, and yet, like it or not, how feeding our family is a job we have to do day after day.

I know.

But somewhere in between my failed attempts at breastfeeding, journey with postpartum anxiety, and pandemic parenting with three small children, I found freedom and flexibility from bad habits and experienced breakthroughs in my relationship with food and those of my own picky eaters.

I found the systems to make healthy habits happen in our everyday life and the strategies needed to make meals enjoyable again.

And while the proof isn’t always in an empty plate, I know we are setting the table to truly harness what God has for our family - in the kitchen and around the table.

And you can too.

Because as your family’s dietitian, a fellow Christian mom, and may I say, a friend, I don’t want you to struggle with another meal or stress out about another snack. Instead, let me show you the method you need to experience ease with all things eating again.

It’s the Mealtimes Made Easy Method.

Yes, I will help improve your child’s eating habits (I am a dietitian, after all). But just as much on my heart is to equip you in the many hats you wear at home as a caregiver, meal planner, grocery-getter, snack keeper, spill-cleaner-upper, messy-mouth-wiper, and bib-washer.

I see the work you are doing… I know it’s hard… That’s why I am here to help!

Together, we can make meals feel easy again.

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What’s waiting for you inside the Mealtimes Made Easy Method


When you purchase the Mealtimes Made Easy Method, you’ll get:

🥦 Lifetime access to the course so that you can work through it in each season and at your own pace

🥦 Bonus Video Trainings, like DIY Dinner Bins to reduce the mental energy required to prepare a meal without spending time meal prepping on weekends

🥦 Digital copies of Ashley’s Combination Cards so you and your kids have visuals to reference anytime you are in a rut or want a new idea to try

🥦 A year’s worth of simple dinner ideas so that you can begin put weeknight dinners on autopilot (including when you don’t want to cook)

🥦 A 70-page Improving Picky Eating with Food Play ebook so that you have tools at your fingertips to invite more food exploration

🥦 Exclusive Access to The Veggies & Virtue Vault - the house to dozens of past trainings and frequently asked questions so that you no longer need to search Google or scroll social to find expert advice and curated answers that fit with what you’re already doing


If you are ready to FINALLY simplify feeding your family and consistently offer crowd pleasers with the confidence that you aren’t compromising nutrition... this is for you!

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If you are ready to finally step into your role of nutritional gatekeeper, to help yourself and your kids find freedom with food now and as the future generation, and get rid of the overwhelm, uncertainty, and internal anxiety that makes feeding your family an ongoing trigger,


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We went from a family that ate separately and limiting meals to only foods that we knew our daughter would like to eating as a family and seeing our daughter try many more foods than ever before. This approach has helped reduce the stress of creating individual meals and taken away the tension of bribing and pleading with our daughter to eat.
— Allie, mom of two (ages 2 and newborn)
I have three little kids, each with very different tastes, and I was pulling out my hair trying to make sure everyone was eating. Now, I feel better equipped to not run our house like a restaurant anymore, but to make sure everyone is fed. I have hope now and a plan for how to guide my kids from refusing foods to being brave enough to try new things I wanted to shout for joy when my pickiest kid picked up broccoli and actually licked it. That’s progress in only a few weeks. I look forward to having many more peaceful, enjoyable family mealtimes.
— Sarah, mom of three (twins age 7 and a 5 year old)
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 You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers!

  • The course is made up of 25 training videos ranging 5-25 minutes in length. Each of the four core phases has a workbook available for you to take notes, customize your plan, and keep track of key takeaways. These can often be completed while you view the course videos or within the days following.

    Many families find it helpful to set a recurring day and time each week to consume the course material and/or complete the homework. This might be with airpods in during the 30 minutes you wait on your child at gymnastics or over the car stereo as you sit and wait outside piano lessons. The bite-sized modules are easily adaptable to your pace of life.

    Additionally, with lifetime access to this course content, you can pace yourself in whatever way feels right for the season you are in.

  • I get it, you are busy! And weekends are sacred time for our families when meal prep isn’t necessarily a top priority. That is why this course shows you how to create guilt-free efficiencies for your real life, rather than add more responsibilities to already busy schedule.

    When it comes to meal prep specifically, not everyone needs to. In one season I did, in another season I found that it doesn't serve me. And I will walk you through all the details of how to decide if you need to meal prep, what to meal prep, ways out of it (if that isn’t your thing or the season you are in), and how to create systems in your home that serve you best.

  • The mental load of motherhood is heavy. So not only will you save time and energy to actually sit and eat yourself (without getting up 57 times), but you will find that the time you do have feels better spent and exhausts less of your energy.

    I give you the systems, but you will have to invest some time to implement them short-term. Using the Mealtimes Made Easy Method long-term, however, redeems any of that time spent by making the tasks you are already doing much more efficient (like meal planning, meal prepping, mealtimes, etc.).

  • Yes! One of our greatest commodities as moms is time, and we rarely seem to have enough of it. Whether you have a newborn or are playing taxi cab to take older kids to all of their activities, this reality remains the same. As moms, we have to learn how to get organized and find efficiencies that create added time for us. That’s why Mealtimes Made Easy offers you lifetime access. You sign up today and have this resource at your fingertips forever more - rather than waiting for a unicorn “slow season” to start feeding your family better.

  • This course covers the lifespan of kids within the home AND offers lifetime access to course materials. So, whether you are a first-time mom seemingly learning how to feed your toddler “all over again” (as table foods are introduced), or you have older kids who you just wish you could go back and “do differently with,” this course is for you.

    Please note: this course does not go into the details of what to introduce to infants just starting solids. However, the course material will cover how a responsive feeding approach adapts from infancy through adolescence.

  • This course does not need to change your current food budget from what you know to already work for your family. I will teach you the skills to know how to stretch your food dollar to make the most impact on your family’s habits, as well as the systems to reducing food waste so you aren’t finding expired items here and wilted up veggies there. Just as Dave Ramsey says a budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went, the Mealtimes Made Easy Method tells your food where to go instead of wondering why it went to waste.

  • Yes! Having food intolerances in our home as well, I know the time, energy, and intricacies this adds to the already exhausting process of feeding a family. That’s why the Mealtimes Made Easy Method gives you the tools to customize what you are offering with clear ideas and yet customizable options. You only have to include the foods that are safe and/or preferrable to your family, and in doing so, will still get every value from the course materials that any member without allergies or intolerances would get.

  • As a mom of three, I understand the expenses that come with raising kids. I also know the amount of time and money I have wasted on the wrong things over the years in hunt for the right thing. It is easy to spend $500 on a year of youth sports that my five-year-old may literally never use the skills from again. And although I may feel better that “at least they are trying something,” it doesn’t work that way with feeding and building healthy habits.

    With so much noise out there about kid’s nutrition, it is easy to get lost, overwhelmed, and unsure if trying one trend after another is leading us anywhere. Doing this costs you significantly more time and money than a course that spells it all out for you - in order.

    As your one stop shop to no longer piecemeal together your feeding approach, this course offers lifetime access to the content and live access to support from me.

    The monthly coaching calls alone would cost over $1,000 to sign up for a la cart, but I am including them simply as a value-added because I want to ensure you are successful and if you do get stuck, I can support you. Many courses don’t offer this, or if they do, they go for twice the price point or more. So, although you get the self-paced nature of taking this course on your schedule, you also get an expert in your corner and literally sitting across the kitchen counter from you giving you advice and accountability along the way. This is invaluable.

    I know that this is a big investment. I also know that God has big plans for you and has prepared you for such a time as this. I also believe He has prepared me for such a time as now to come alongside you and serve you. It will be worth it, I promise.

  • You will begin to see results within the first week. While some changes will take longer to implement and see results with, all families have progress upon completing the first phase (of five).

    Depending on how long you have been waiting on, worrying about, and wondering if you’re feeding your family right and how to prevent (or correct!) bad eating habits in your kids, the journey will look different for each family.

    However, unlike scrolling social for a quick fix promise here or pinning a meal plan you never actually attempt there, this course gives you the COMPLETE scope of what you need in order to be successful and lays out the blueprint so you can start taking action right away.

  • First, welcome back! Be sure to email me for a special Academy-member-only discount code to join.

    That said, the Mealtimes Made Easy Method is entirely new, freshly created, and does not include the same slide decks, schedule, or steps that the Academy did. You will see some overlap with bonus content in the Veggies & Virtue Vault so that families have additional access to all of the helpful trainings, Q&As, and templates that were created for the Academy.

    This course, however, is the perfect next step for families who want to see ongoing success in their feeding journey but need some fresh ideas and accountability in order to do so.

  • I believe if you do the work, you will see results. But if you are unsure, try out Mealtimes Made Easy Method for yourself. If within 30 days of purchasing you have done the work and still don't think it's getting you the results you want, I'll refund you in full.

  • First, welcome! So glad to have you enrolled. Once you sign up, you will receive an email with login information. Then, you can use that to sign in here.

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Ashley’s direction, openness, and wealth of knowledge have helped us be much more confident that we are providing our daughter with a healthy start in life. Her attitude and openness were great. Ashley never seemed burdened or annoyed by any questions and really want to help, which made it easier to ask embarrassing questions and ease my mom guilt!
— Allie, mom of two (ages 2 and newborn)
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